Usability of ESCO and e-Competence Framework in the creation of a reference model for Data Scientist and Internet of Things Engineer occupations

SEnDIng created a reference model for Data Scientist and Internet of Things Engineer occupations which outlines the main components of the training environment, in terms of:

  • qualifications,
  • skills,
  • certifications,
  • learning outcomes and
  • professional profiles.

As main inputs we used the defined learning outcomes for Data Science and Internet of Things from one hand, and the structure of European e-Competence Framework (including the results of CEN Workshop on ICT Skills as European ICT Professional Role Profiles: and ESCO IT occupations ( from another. In the reference model, we aligned the learning outcomes with the definitions provided in the EU reference models. Thus, using the multidisciplinary feature of Data Science and Internet of Things domains, we created a wide basis for the understanding of the skills and competences that could be adapted for different contexts and organizations.  In addition, the standardization of a common language on ICT competences in e-CF and the common reference terminology in ESCO ensure the transparency, comparability and transferability of the reference model between European countries.

For more information about the reference model, please refer to deliverable D2.2: REFERENCE MODEL OF SKILLS, E-COMPETENCES AND QUALIFICATION NEEDS OF DATA SCIENTISTS AND IoT ENGINEERS published at the SEnDIng project web site.