Project current status
The project is currently at the last 2 months of its lifetime and all major outputs have been produced. The only crucial activity still under progress is the certification examination which will follow the completion of the work-based learning and the submission of the required documentation by the trainees. Certification will be done in several rounds to ensure all trainees will be able to find a slot of convenience and each trainee will be given two efforts to pass the exams. The SEnDIng consortium expect (and hope) that certification exams will have a high success rate.
Another current task is the preparation of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) that will be signed among all project partners to define the joint efforts towards the sustainability of the main outputs of the SEnDIng project. It is a mutual statement of commitment among the signing parties to make every reasonable effort to sustain the main outputs of the SEnDIng project including the support and update of the SEnDIng MOOCs and the training material they contain.