SEnDIng in numbers

250+ OERs available for downloading

13 Online courses at with +200 users

  • 6 on Data Science
  • 6 on Internet of Things
  • 1 on Transversal Skills

+440 hours of training

  • 103 Data Science or 103 hours IoT online courses
  • 20 online training on transversal skills
  • 320 hours on work-based learning

Success rates in the Data Science and IoT pilot trainings

  • 39% of the trainees have successfully completed the online training on Data Science and gained a Certificate of Achievement
  • 37% of the trainees have successfully completed the online training on IoT and gained a Certificate of Achievement
  • 31% of the trainees have successfully completed the online training on transversal skills
  • 100% of the trainees have successfully completed the work-based learning and gained the SEnDIng certification

What trainees said about SEnDIng MOOC

  • 77% declared that enjoyed the courses
  • 71% declared that the courses met their expectations
  • 68% declared that the quality of the courses was high
  • 80% declared that the courses will be useful in their work
  • 78% declared that the objectives of the courses were clearly defined
  • 77% declared that the time allocated for the courses was reasonable
  • 82% declared that the courses enhanced their knowledge of the subject matter
  • 73% declared that they have been challenged to learn more than they expected